Resolution of Appreciation for

Ann C. Courter

Whereas Ann Courter served as Chair of the Collaboration for Early Childhood July 1, 2015– May 31, 2016, and Vice Chair from July 2012 – June 30, 2015, providing dedicated, and caring leadership during a time of transition and growth;

Whereas Ann Courter was an early member of the Collaboration, helping to establish and later chairing the Physicians Network (2010-2014) to increase the number of pediatricians and family practice physicians who administer developmental screening during well child visits and to improve understanding and communication between physicians and Early Intervention and Early Childhood Special Education programs;

Whereas Ann Courter served as a representative of the League of Women Voters on the Steering Committee for the Collaboration’s Strategic Planning process that resulted in the design and community-wide adoption and commitment to fully implement an integrated and comprehensive system of high quality early childhood services in Oak Park and River Forest, a plan that continues to provide the blueprint for the Collaboration’s work;

Whereas Ann Courter represented the Collaboration on the Working Group that developed the groundbreaking Intergovernmental Agreement that enabled the Village of Oak Park, Oak Park Elementary School District 97 and Oak Park River Forest High School District 200 to enter into a Contract with the Collaboration to establish a high quality system of services to promote the development of every child prenatal to kindergarten age;

Whereas Ann Courter worked tirelessly to promote the growth of the Collaboration over many years by serving on the Measurement and Evaluation Committee, helping to write the by-laws that facilitated the transition to a formal board governance structure, monitoring and reviewing legislation that could impact the Collaboration’s work, sharing resources and learning she obtained through her varied roles in early childhood and legislative advocacy and vigilantly voicing the importance of inclusive and affirmative discussions and decision-making in all aspects of the Collaboration’s work;

Whereas Ann Courter shared her amazing writing skills and voice through the Collaboration’s newsletters, reports to the IGA Governing Board and through many discussions and presentations at community meetings including those that culminated in the Intergovernmental Agreement;

Whereas Ann Courter shared her passion, generous heart, and diverse talents without reservation to build the Collaboration;

Now, Therefore Be it Resolved that the Collaboration for Early Childhood affirms that Ann Courter acted on her belief in the vital importance of early learning to children’s success through her many and varied contributions to the Collaboration and the Oak Park and River Forest community;

And, Be It Further Resolved, that the Collaboration for Early Childhood extends its sincere gratitude and abiding appreciation for the gifts of Ann Courter to the Collaboration for Early Childhood, and the development of local early childhood systems.

This 19nd day of May, 2016

Amy McCormack, Chair                          Christopher D. Miller, Secretary



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